Saturday, 23 May 2015

HTML Status codes & Response Error details

In our daily life, when ever we click on web page most of the time we see some content on our browser but some times it tries to load for a long time and finally throws an error saying some XXX error, because of this it couldn't load your content. Status codes represent whether your request is accepted or rejected or some other state.

Basically these status codes and error codes can be differentiated as 5 types, based on their start of status. Like 1,2,3,4,5...

HTTP Status Code Information:
  • 1XX : Informational
  • 2XX : Success
  • 3XX : Redirection
  • 4XX : Client Error
  • 5XX : Server Error

Starts with 1:

Status starts with 1 means your request received and it is under process.

100: Continuing your process
101: User requested to change protocol and server saying Okay.
102: Server says that it received request and so far there is no response, this prevents client from timeout.

Starts with 2:

Status starts with 2 represents a success acknowledgement, user request accepted and processed successfully.

200: Get request response OK
201: New resource Created
202: User request Accepted
203: User request processed successfully and user will receive requested information from some other non authorized source.
204: Request processed successfully but there is no content available.
205: Request processed successfully but not returning any content, user need to reset.
206: Partial Content response usually used in downloads.
207: Multiple Status Responses.The body consist of XML.
208: Response for this request is  already reported.

Starts with 3:

Status starts with 3 represents a redirection of your request. It can be request re-direction or URL re-direction.

300: More than 1 selection options available for this request.
301: This request moved permanently all the future requests will be redirected.
302: Your request re-directed temporarily. Few web applications deny the temporary redirections because of security reasons.
303: When request response available with other URL, the POST request need to have separate GET and this need to be added.
304: No modification in content no need to re-transmit.
305: The requested resource is only available through a proxy.
306: Subsequent requests should use the specified proxy, User needs to switch to proxy.
307: Redirect URL and similar to 302.
308: Permanent redirect similar to 301, but do not allow HTTP method to change.

Starts with 4:

Status starts with 4 represents a error message, this can be temporary error also.

400: Bad request, format of the request is not expected
401: Unauthorized request.
402: This will be used by few websites to know the multiple requests from same IP, like Gmail enter wrong password for few times from same IP and it will ask you to enter captcha to confirm that you are not a robot.
403: The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.
404: FAMOUS ERROR::: URL NOT FOUND, some issue with URL, that page may deleted.
405: This particular request method is not allowed.
406: This particular request is not acceptable.
407: Client must authenticate with proxy.
408: Request Timed out.
409: Some conflict in request.
410: The resource request is no longer available, like 404 only.
411: Length of your request should be part your request.
412: Precondition failed.
413: Request is too large to process.
414: Request URL is too long.
415: This particular media type is not supported by HTTP protocol.
416: Some issue with the requested range.
417: Not met the expected request header.
418: I am a tea pot.
419: Authentication Timeout.
420: Method Failure.
420: Enhance Your Calm.
421: Misdirected Request.
422: Un processable Entity.
423: Access Locked .
424: Failed Dependency.
426: Upgradation Required.
428: Precondition Required .
429: Too Many Requests.
431: Request Header Fields Too Large.
440: Login Timeout (Microsoft)
444: No Response (Nginx).
449: Retry With (Microsoft)
450: Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft)
451: Unavailable because of court rules or legal issues.
494: Request Header Too Large (Nginx).
495: Cert Error (Nginx).

Starts with 5:

Status starts with 5 represents a server error message.
500: Internal Server Error
502: Bad Gateway.
503: Service Unavailable
504: Gateway Timeout
505: HTTP Version Not Supported
506: Variant Also Negotiates
507: Insufficient Storage
508: Loop Detected
509: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
511: Network Authentication Required
598: Network read timeout error
599: Network connect timeout error

Written By:
SANDY -- (Jarvishelp Member)
For more information:

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article.. One Place for all the HTTP Error Codes. Searching for this from long time. THANK YOU
